
Available to non-members for their offsite training.

  • CrossFit Affiliate

    $80 per month

    Our Affiliate program is built on an 10 week block format. Each block will focus on multiple weightlifting components as well as containing focus points for gymnastics strength and a main purpose for each metcon/workout. We provide both an RX and a scaled option to every workout we program. This means it is suitable for both the elite athletes and the people who are looking for a daily workout. The program is based on a one hour class that typically has a strength or gymnastics portion at the start, followed by a workout.

  • Weightlifting

    $60 per month

    Our weightlifting program is purely focused on weightlifting (clean & jerk + snatch) and building up strength in the squat, deadlift and overhead pressing. In this program you will cycle through 10 week blocks of 5 days a week to build strength, while still allowing enough time to dial in technique and accessory work. Each session will take an hour, consisting of multiple strength pieces.

  • Aerobic Endurance

    $20 per month

    This program is specifically designed to build a better engine across all aerobic domains. This will aid in improving your pace and stamina. Use of cardio machines such as a rower, ski and bikes will be paramount.

  • Compete

    $60 per month

    This program is for anybody looking to increase their volume leading up to a competition. There are RX and SC versions for everything. The compete program will be 2 sessions per day, the first consisting of a metcon and weightlifting, the second consisting of either an aerobic/metcon workout plus skill and accessory work. The total time to complete all pieces each day is between 2 1/2 - 3 hours.

  • Purchase all - Limited time offer

    $100 for everything per month - Limited time offer